Your Opinion, Please ...
It’s time for a new bio and table of contents. I’ve redone the bio, like, maybe five times? Usually it has a bunch of hyperlinks that jump you to older versions of it. I’ve never reduxed the table of contents page (aside from renaming it “The Caverns”), but it, too, is a bunch of hyperlinks to literally every newsletter I’ve put out through Substack.
Thing is, almost no one—and I have the analytics to tell me so—clicks any of the hyperlinks. So while I include those to be useful, it seems like most of y’all don’t really find them all that helpful.
Hence the quesh. Ready? That’s not the question, it’s like a filler thing. Never mind. Here’s the actually question …
What would you—meaning you personally, the reader reading these words right now—like to see in: a) the bio, and b) the table of contents?
Please don’t send me an article on how to write these things. I’ve read a shitton of them. Just give me your honest feedback.
And if posting your feedback here is too personal—I know a lot of you are camera shy—send me an email at tvansantana at gmail, or tell it to me the next time we chat.
Oh, and sidebar for the Ello crowd: Some of you have contacted me asking about the fate of Ello, and I was thinking those who have not might be curious as well. It is, insofar as I can tell, really dead this time. I’m going to put out a newsletter about it as soon as I can get that done. Anyway, a lot of us have migrated to tumblr. I’m not loving it, and since Substack has Notes now, I am going to encourage y’all to try out Notes. I don’t love Notes either, to be honest, but there’s less noise on the site, and it also has chat functionality, so. Maybe try it.
Okay, that’s all. Let T know.