You Can Never Go Back, But Neither Can You Leave—Part 6
Their lovemaking had been brief but very gratifying. Johny went down on her until she was about to come, then she topped Johny until she did. They lay there in Melanee’s huge bed, sweating and kissing after.
“This bed is bombshit, yo,” Johny said. “We should just, like, move in.”
Emory giggled. “I’d love to, but I can’t afford this place.”
Johny pinched her arm lightly. “I said we, silly.”
“Oh. Yeah, you did.” Emory smiled.
Later, the two of them were in the kitchen, making sandwiches.
“So I’m serious, you know,” Johny said.
Emory grinned. “About what?”
“You know,” she nudged her with her whole body. “Movin’ in.”
“That’s sweet and all, Johny, but I don’t think Melanee would appreciate it.”
“No, not here, silly! You know, like, when you’re done. We could get a place down in Sœrditch. I used to fuck a couple down there …”
Emory made a face, mumbled, “Lovely.”
“... and there are all these cute one bedroom units in the mansionettas. Cheap, too.”
With a slow, deep breath, Emory smiled gently, then kissed Johny on the forehead, and said, “Let me think about it, okay?” Then she took her sandwich over to the dining room table.
Johny was smiling, but it was clear to Emory that she was hurt, too. “Sure. Totally. Whatever. Think about it. Don’t want to jump into anything.”
Continue reading …
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