You Are Here
Everything that has ever happened everywhere.
You are born (or not).
You experience life. You try to figure things out (or not).
You die.
Maybe something else happens, maybe not.
Maybe it repeats, maybe not.
It is thought that one of the key differences between the human and other animals is its capacity for self-awareness. Keep in mind that this idea, like all others, was cooked up by a human animal. Yet this very feature is the one humans are the quickest to forgo, typically in favor of some form if ignorance, stupidity, or mischief. Again, remember that these, too, are ideas thought of by that very same animal itself.
Therfore, we end up with a panoply of bad ideas, distractions, and other ego projects designed by and for humans to do anything other than to become self-aware, including fixating upon the potential of other things—machines mostly, sometimes other animals, less commonly plants—to become self-aware.
You get a lot of podcasts, as result.
You get a lot of newsletters.
You get the at first blush contradictory outcome of humans humaning in the way both most human and least human: to avoid being self-aware, the most common of which is to be self-serving, self-aggrandizing, and self-assured, followed closely by self-deprecating and self-sacrificing.
Yes, in the experience of life and (possibly) trying to figure things out, you're going to have to try to be self-aware.
If not, well …
You’re gonna use what meager time and influence you have to, what? Perpetuate more of the same? Really? Oh, I see. You’re gonna give us your take on it. Got it. Thanks, bro.