Word on Geography
A brief aside about the setting
So you may be wondering if this Wendy mystery plot module is taking place on the Jungle Planet, Meezed-Zedbee II, or in the Lost City of Soma, or … what’s that other place? Azza-Jono?
I get why you might be unsure. My typical instinct is to let such things be ambiguous, but in this very special case, I’ll just tell you.
We’re in Soma, I say. Which highly resembles the Jung. I’ve lived on three worlds … well, technically four, but. It definitely has the most in common with ole Meezed. The Jung. Da Big Nasty.
A couple caveats.
First is for those who have read a lot of my books, and that is Soma most resembles the original M-Z II, not the reconstituted one after the CoDex Corporation blew up the original, nor the one that presumably exists after Czar big snapped the entire universe, crushing it into a quantum singularity and it recurred again, however many trillions of years (or aeons maybe) later. But do please keep in mind that Soma resides within my cells, and so I am not entirely sure which version of Teresa Van Santana I am, so. It’s just whatever, really.
Second is for anyone who shares in the truest spirit of the Secret of Secrets and resents canonization as much as I do: It’s wherever you want it to be. If you like Soma, cool. Keep it there. If your mind tries to keep taking it back to the O.G. Jung of Everything Fails, also fine. If it feels more like an Azza-Jono story cos you’re one of those folks who keeps thinking AJ and SoS are the same—totally fine. Or maybe it doesn’t really feel speculative enough to you, so you imagine it’s happening somewhere in what you call the real world, you know, the way non-sf stories do. Really and truly, no problem by me. Couldn’t care less, honestly. Just try to enjoy it as I do my best to tell it in a novel and entertaining way.
So here we are, wherever that might be, on a warm, very rainy, rather muggy day, about to interview our first suspect.