Welcome to the show, this kudzu literary project of mine. Let me walk you through it.
First off, I’m Teresa Van Santana. You can call me T or Tracy, depending on how well you know me. I am, among other things, a writer and a secretist. What’s a secretist? Don’t worry about it. It will become kind of obvious as we go.
Lately I’m writing a novel—I guess it can still be called that—though it is optimized for Substack’s web version. So that will be fun trying to figure out how to get it into print and everything. Plus, you probably shouldn’t read it through the Substack app because some of the features of the book don’t function correctly. I recommend bookmarking the post called “The Backbone” and using that as your springboard for wherever you’d like to go from there.
If you’re all caught up (or played out) on that, you can wander around The Caverns, which house all my posts to date. They are organized by sections and are in chronological order from first to latest.
If you want to talk with me, you can do so here, on Substack, through the chat feature or in the comments on a particular post. Or you can find me on the obscure, mostly dead (but still slightly alive) social media site, Ello.