The Sweet Sweat Ponged Party
At the old pool house + dream #10
“Good god, that’s a horrible pong,” Dag said.
He wasn’t wrong, I suppose, but I didn’t mind it.
You whisper to me that you thought I was sensitive to smells, and I say that while, yes, I am, I don’t mind this one for whatever reason.
It’s a sweet smell. One note of it, anyway. Most likely mildew mixed with cologne and perfume and shit, but I dunno. Then there’s the salty smell of sweat; that’s the other note. However that blends for you, babe, that’s the scent of the place. It’s strong and pervasive, in any case. There’s almost no ventilation, but there’s no COVID-19 or flu in Soma, so it’s chill.
There’s bodies everywhere, doing all sorts of things. Writhing, humping, pumping, gasping, grasping, undulating. Probably not all that many different things, really, but there’s more than enough variety to break down the mind’s ability to catalogue everything that’s happening. The same goes for the number of people. I mean, the old pool house only holds so many people, but the enviro psych forces it to seem like there’s just a sea of bodies in ecstatic pleasure.
It reminds me a bit of this thing I went to in Everything Fails, and I mumble that to you while you touch my body. You know, if you want. If you’re interested. If not, you can just watch. Or jump into the fray. Or even leave. It’s okay, babe. Whatever you want.
Here are some songs that might be playing:
The scene is a bit of a mélange, particularly if you’ve been imbibing in da chems, which some folks have, others have not. Either way is okay. Just go with it, baby.
Play procedures
- You can, of course, collect any of the songs for your musical grimoire. Likewise, you can play any song you have in there in this scene, and it will change the timbre of the experience.
- You can add Dagger to your contacts list, even though he just has the one line here. He’s useful for finding things, like if you need something specific. If you want a game mechanic for that, let’s say he has an 80% chance of finding most things, 65% for hard to find items.
- The old pool house is usually vacant, so you can come here to rest if you need to. There isn’t anything of value in it, currently, but that could change later in the story. I can give you a key, and you can come here whenever you want.
- Think of a time you were in a situation that reminded you of another, similar situation. Another quality of the scene should be that it is a full sensory experience. Think about how it affected you, how you behaved. Compare and contrast your feelings, thoughts, and behavior in the two settings, then think about how that might tie into this scene or a scene like this. Follow up question: How important is smell?