Soma Keeps the Score
On thought loops, unresolved plots, and cyclical stories
Soma keeps up with what’s happened to me. Well, not exactly. What’s happened in me. That includes my interpretations and responses to what’s happened to and around me, yeah, but it’s all an inside job.
So we see villains like Constantine À gogo. We’ve seen this plot before. In fact, we have more or less seen this guy before. He’s just a reskin of Leader, really.
Then there is Desolate Farrago. This … is a more delicate kind of matter. Desi is trying to turn over a new leaf, see, so that sets them up to be more like an antihero than a proper villain. Will Des succeed? I don’t know because that story hasn’t been unfurled yet. It started back in book 4, The Thieves of All That You Are, but then mellowed for awhile. Desolate is back again, trying to stay blood-sober. We’ll see how that works out for them.
It’s not all bad, though. Most of my friends are here, too. You know, somewhere. And most of my lovers are around, even if only as ghosts. We’re on friendly terms, which is nice. The weird thing about loving someone is that you invest your whole self into the relationship, into them. Maybe they do, too, maybe not; but you do. And that includes your vision of the future. So when you break up, that future ceases to exist. An entire world, a whole galaxy, the universe of possibility for you two is ended. It’s over. It feels like that, too, doesn’t it?
Anyway, they’re all around here somewhere.
Who’s missing?
I can’t really bear to say it right now, but you’ve already seen who. You’ve already read it. Oh wait, fuck, you might not be reading in order. Okay, so it’s here.

That’s as close as I can get right now. It’s too painful. But don’t worry. When we get to the Library, you’ll hear all about it. At least, I think you will. I don’t know how the hell I’ll get out otherwise.
Here’s a list of folks in the Lost City of Soma. It takes time to update, so check back every now and then. I’ve categorized them for your convenience, though I didn’t think about it that hard, so they might not all be correct. Doesn’t matter. Categories are largely bullshit, anyway.
Amanda Purchase
Allied Tradespeople
Bishop Shelly
Riley Koenig
Grim Ossuary
Fox (younger)
Mason (older)
Deities & Demigods
Az, Lo o' Crim
Nikki Hawke
Blast Forward or the Blast (pivotal)
Great Bake (trivial)
Extrasomatic Places
Far Shores
Cheney “Chains”
Cullis (Reg’s partner, I think)
Dagger “Dag”
Gaylord “Gay”
The Reptile/Valiant “Val”
Vicky “Vix”
Ghosts & Tulpas
Em (as in ‘M’ for Mickey)
Seth, a talking horse
Haunts & Hangouts
Creef Park
The Darkhorse
Downhill Street
Hex House (near the Darkhorse)
Time Out (in the center of Soma)
Toughen Nut (a deli)
Gunvor “Gunny” (moved away)
Mickie Janely (moved away)
Nassau Burgeander (very, very briefly)
Terry (deceased)
Wendy Glass (deceased)
Wild Ecstasy “Ecks”
Regions & Directions & Locales
Bathysphere of the Second Era
Oberlin Park
Overkind (across from the penitentiary)
Sturgis (outside the city limits)
Verina (outside the city limits)
Vehicle Programs
Villains on the Street
Argos (deceased)
Constantine À gogo
Desolate Farrago