Shiz I Forgot About
So over the years, ole TVS has tried out a lot things. You know, writers give out tons of advice to other writers. So do editors. So do agents. So do publishers. And I’ve been at this silly game for about a decade now, so I’ve tried a lot. But, I completely forgot about some of the things I did, and only happened upon them when I was Googling for something very specific. What are they? Well …
Apparently I have a website. This has been on my to-do list forevs, and I guess I did it but forgot to cross it off the list? It hasn’t been updated since its creation, so don’t hold that against T.
Then there’s this survey I made with the monkey of surveys. I was probably intending to do something with that information, but. I dunno that I did? Can’t recall. Maybe I did. Who knows.
Then there’s TVS’ Secret Swag Shop! Swag shops are kind of becoming a thing on Substack, and I’ve thought, Hmm. Maybe TVS should have one of those … And it turns out I do! I just forgot about it. In fairness to me, that whole endeavor was a bit of a light troll on the Ello mainland for their egregious promotion of Threadless when they, you know, had it in their fucking charter that they wouldn’t do shit like that. (Little did I know how much I’d miss those hipster dudes once the soulless art feudalism shitshow that is Talenthouse took over). Anyway, that’s there, and I may add some items people might actually want. Help T out by saying what might interest you. I know for sure there will be an at re shirt simply because I want one and re will probably never put one out. (Re told me that one got made sometime in the past, but I’ve never seen it.) I’ll give the money to re, ofc, but it needs to happen!
Are there things you’ve forgotten and then discovered? Or not? If not, get out there and search your past, then tell us about it!

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