Flower Arrangement
You walk into the downstairs, rear foyer of the Brubaker and find me arranging flowers.
I say hey, how are you, all that.
Even if you’re not that skillful at reading people, it’s obvious something is up with me, so you might ask.
But should not ask, I still tell you: “I know what the dream was about now. The part about the sister of the person from my book.”
Unless you are a super diligent and alert reader, you don’t know the one I mean straight away, so I remind you of it.
“It’s a little shy of halfway into the chapter,” I say.
You ask what I think it’s about, and I tell you: “She died. The sister.”
If you’re curious how I know, I say, “I work in secrets, hon,” then I place the last flower in the vase.
Play procedures
- Think of a dream (or vision or idea) that you had that took on a new meaning for—that ‘came true,’ if ya like—and write about it. You can simply tell it, or you can focus more on how the transformation/fulfillment of the dream affected you.
- You may add a flower of this kind to your inventory. Which kind? Any kind you wish, my dear.