The Long-Awaited by Few—Probably Brand New to You—Revelation of the Complex, Bizarre yet Astonishingly True Nature of the Semimalevolent Entity Known as Dwizaal
A pseduodemonic paranoid fiction in rather disastrous array
Writer. Rambler. Secretist. Nonbinary transfemme. They/them.
A pseduodemonic paranoid fiction in rather disastrous array
At a convenience store, down the hill and across the street from the Temple to Mars … Me and you are in the store. It has a smell to it. It is, to me, a nice smell. To you, it might be a bit of dirt. Like dirt and mud on
In the alleyway, on the brick wall, I show you the message spray-painted there: Once you can read it, I say, you’ll know you are ready to understand it. There is good art, I say, but there is also bad art. There is health, yet there is also illness.
and something about endings
You’re with me, so it’s okay.
On thought loops, unresolved plots, and cyclical stories
A sort of primer for spotting villainy
Dream #3
Penguin, Bala, and I are getting ready to drive. This is another dream. Behind us, Alana and Allasand are getting into their jeep. I kind of wish I were riding with them instead of these dudes, but whatever. We all get going, and I’m looking out the back of
But of course you did
I had a dream last night and want to tell you about it. If you stayed the night with me in my bed, then I roll over onto my side and look at you from my pillow. I tend to forget to take my makeup off, so I have black
Whatup mah lovelies, Let me lead with a question, in case this is as far as you get: What is the reading experience like on Substack in general and for this book in particular? I appreciate any feedback you are willing to give. It’s hard to know what it’