A Collection of Other Voices in the Living City—Part 1
As you may (but likely don’t) recall, Azza-Jono is a multidisciplinary art project born on Ello. So in its original form, there were lots of bits and pieces happening at once from many different contributors. This poses a challenge for recreating that experience in a newsletter format—even with regard to my own characters and storylines. Also, some Ellovians (who shall remain nameless) griped about there being no continuity or structure to it. That was partly the point (see the origins of AJ here) but it’s also kind of not accurate. There is, in fact, a lot of contiguous storytelling going on by both myself and others; however, it wasn’t presented that way. So I’m trying to share it in a more organized fashion here in hopes that it will satisfy those folks who held that perspective back in the day and will maybe also make it a bit easier for new folks to track, too.
To that end, I’ve introduced you to:
Nikki Hawk
Chairman Everett Paisley
and to some normal folks, like …
The Roommates
Kraft & Schnell Collectibles
and to
an unknown narrator
Well, there are a lot of those, unknown narrators. And there are also a good number of very short bits that focus on a single character where that solitary piece is all there is (at least so far).
In order to keep things organized but also preserve some of the original feel and flavor, presented here are several story bits from the first story cycle, leading up to big(-ish) events like the Revels, the apparent death of the Giyvens, and the disappearance of Chairman Paisley. There is a lot of material, so I’ve split it into two parts, with this issue being the first. The second will come out this Sunday.
Lemme know if it works, ‘mkay? There’s more explanation for the bought-in, like behind the scenes material and secret connections, but I’m curious how it works just ‘as is,’ so tell T, pls.
Communication as requested
Date: 08 January
Time: 6:01
From: designate ‘Cookie’
To: dispatch ‘Shangri-La’
Subject: The honeymoon suite
Message: Arrived with milks and doctor. Situation as arranged. No flowers, but nice sheets. The dresser counts four drawers: two short side by side; two lone over and under. The hardware is new, not distressed as it appeared in the photo. Bed is roomy and soft. Pillow is heart-shaped, perfect for your bride. Sheets look slippery but have good traction. Carpet needs upkeep but will serve fine for your short stay. Staff is friendly and capable, though spare. Tips may help. Security is sufficient, though you might request a second lock. More details to follow.
Wassup girl!!!
The Carrier came and picked me up. I didn't feel like goin’ today. That stern look, tho. I couldn’t say no. So in I went to the big black car, and off to The Barsbath.
It’s the usual pony show for drinks then tricks out at the baths. I don’t see much of the door. Sometimes they make us fight, too. Out back, like, behind the shithouse. I punched this one girl’s teeth out. Felt bad like, but it was her or me. Ain’t gonna be me.
When I got back to the condo, Pierce was in a shitty way. He did me hard in the butt, then passed out. I watched tv. I’m sooo into Big Little Lies, I just can’t. Have you seen it yet?
N called me again. Said he wants to see me. I said no, cos Pierce is upset all the time as it is, doesn’t like me smelling of other folks like I do already. N said not to worry about Pierce or The Bar. He said they all is work for him anyhow. I get hot when he talks to me like that. Like he owns the whole world and made time just for me.
He was sending this blonde dude by to give me packages or pick them up. I ain’t seen him in a while now, tho. Don’t know what’s up, but that’s how it go in A-Town. You don’t ask no questions.
I thought about you when I went to a protest. They was burning Paisballz in the street and beating the dummy thing with a stick! I know you lurv shit like that. I got pictures but my phone is being a little bitch and won’t upload right. Oh well. You can see them when you get here. I’m so excited you’re coming! And I can’t wait to meet your new friend. I hope she’s making you happy, Jessibear.
Well, I gots to go. I still have to clean some shit up and smoke a bowl before bedtime. Sleep tight, and write me back soon!!
Welcome back! annnd I'm out tomorrow
They said the chance of us being disfigured in exactly the same way was just about zero. When the car crumpled, it took the left half of my face, leaving my eye, thank goodness, but ripping everything else down to the bone.
My son was in the backseat, and his face was damaged exactly the same way, as though the same car had hit us twice. No one can explain it, nor why we weren’t killed and neither of us lost an eye.
There’s a doctor down the river who is supposed to be an expert on facial reconstruction. I’ve heard mixed reviews about her, though, and am not sure I trust her to even meet my son, so I’m going to the consult myself.
If you could please forward all my messages tomorrow to my cell, I’d appreciate it.
I know this is probably all very overwhelming and a lot to deal with coming back from maternity, but time waits for none of us.
Wish me luck!
Oh, and bit of gossip: I think Rio is back with Darien. They were ‘consulting’ again in the big man’s office late last night.
Thanks, Cynthia!
Sweet Dreams
I watch the guard walk the same beat. Sometimes he talks to walls, sometimes to folks on the street. Secrets trade well in walls made of breath. Mouths fork over what they’ve been swallowing till nothing’s left. I don’t know them.
There’s birds around still, and wild childs looking to fight, fuck ‘n kill, but ain nobody got time for a sitting down, tryna make sense from the barrage of sight ‘n sounds. I make a living.
Seven weeks. We done seen the damage can be done. It’s not gettin’ thru, neither. I hear the secrets, freaks who can manage done seen the light, hittin’ truth like a beam, hard and unmoving, yeah.
The city sees it, tho. She knows what goes on behind the show. I hear her in my sleep, sayin’ secrets secrets, yours to keep. Pave the wave for us two meet.
I'm at tha table, but it ain for me. I watch dem deep blues and dem ruby reds, see 'em smilin' at each other. Who'da thunk?
Gots dem secrets blues again, feelin' like a brim without a friend. Jayvos gonna jay, as dey say. Azzie for azzhole, dey say. Secrets taste da same, but azzholes pay better for da same taste. Jayvos got soul, tho, and soul's priceless.
Down by the riva, we got the Lawds a Edge. Seen dem boyz before. Short tongues and chodes, all of dem. Angry as_fuck and mean_ugly to boot. Dey got spare seeks on 'em from time to time, tho. So I give 'em a laugh, give 'em a grin, and show a little tooth. This is how boils fester, I sees. You let shitz like diss go on too long without a propa lancin'.
Lonely as_fuck dese days. Lookin' for love. Always_and_forever. Secret love fills mah mind all the time. Ain mine. Never mine.
Rolan Fleshclon done got dem some ripped_up_genes from ole_everett and dey gone something_for_everyone full tulpa, bich. I dunno how it feels, so dey ain nuthin' to me. Cane't even see me. Fyne bah me, too.
Dem g_spots roll the streets, ramblin'. When dems da ones comin', yous the ones runnin', see? Dem shits suck, I ain even gon lie. Dey pass by me, see mah brim and trench, yo. Gimme da side_i, yo. Don mattah. Got nuthin' for dem neitha, and dey know it.
Circles pounce on squares, and I got wha dey want. Keep it to mahself. Linger on.
When We Are One
This city can’t make up its mind. I think it has a fever. I listen to it breathe, and it’s raspy. The proctors say there is little time left. They say it’s the end of days. Gut rot, deep underground, near the aquifer. I’ve never been down there. I listen to it. I hear it talk to me. It tells me we are coming to be one, the two of us. I stroke its walls and taste its crevices, soft tongue in hard cracks. I smell it, wet from rain, and blistering from heat, oily and sweet. I have come to love it, and it me. We will be one. The two of us.
The people are hungry for a change. They want the craziness of the Fleshclons to stop. They want the secretists out. They want the Knights of White Satin to return. I can feel them, echoing through my streets. I can hear them, shouting in my tunnels. I will bring them what they want. When the city and I are one.
I feel it calling me to the river’s edge. I get it. I go. I’m close to the water every day. But what day will be our day?
19 March
You didn’t do a very good job of covering your trail. I thought you were kidding in your last drop about being sloppy. Jesus, man, you haven’t changed at all.
So I found the place in the hills you talked about, the open air restaurant that Barrington loved. Well, probably not loved. But the one she made you eat at all the time. The owner, at least I think they are, Azeld, said you paid through a wire. It didn’t take me long to confirm that was G’s, just like I assume he’s got some android tearing apart this squawk now. I’ve gotten sloppy, too.
There’s a lionhead here with pretty eyes. She’s taking me underground tomorrow, to the rinterdrop. I hope you’re still breathing. Keep breathing. I’m coming, buddy. Fast as I can.
Deluge and Drought
The sand’s hot and sticky on my skin, uncomfortable and gritty. The sun cooks me as the water licks me. Here I am.
Birds come in to greet me. I smile at them through squinty shielded eyes, and they dive nose first into the water, killing their meal. That’s nature.
My ass hurts. Not so much from use as disuse, and I roll over to bake my front. No one sees me.
If the Wall really comes, the Jos are going to kill us all. Kill us and ravage us. I let it sink in.
Wind is like god. She speaks to me with only breath. My body constricts. I am not as I would be.

AJ 0010