Teresa's Backbone
Postmodern choose your own novel. The ultra-gonzo, sometimes erotic, metafictional slipstream science fictional fantasy house of mirrors, Teresa's Backbone.
You can read it here. But before you dart off, lemme give you a bit of guidance.
This book is a novel.
This book is a choose your own adventure novel for adults.
This book is a solo role-playing game.
This book is an experimental art piece.
This book is a metafictional journal.
This book contains erotic and transgressive installments.
This book is an invitation to work with your own life and suffering. Indeed you are a character in this book, if you choose to be. Or you can be someone else—me, your crush, some character of your own devising. And you can switch, too. It's a method, I hope you'll see, as much as a piece of entertainment.
So use your ingenuity when interacting with it, m'kay, babe? And then drop me note about how it's going.